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It is absolutely no secret that moms are carrying an unequaled invisible load right now. It is also no secret the toll that these unseen responsibilities and realities are taking. In fact, we want to share a few statistics with you:
78% of moms report daily debilitating symptoms of anxiety or depression.
Source: Marketing2Moms Survey, 2018
80% of MOPS moms express their MOPS experience decreased their anxiety about being a mom.
Source: MOPS International’s 2019-2020 Mom and Leader Survey
Nearly 60% of women report needing mentoring but are not sure where to find it.
Source: Marketing2Moms Survey, 2018
80% of MOPS moms indicate their MOPS experience has provided them with a mentor.
Source: MOPS International’s 2019-2020 Mom and Leader Survey
MOPS International is addressing the needs of today’s mom: parenting tools, mental health education, marriage guidance, spiritual enrichment, and personal mentoring. These are incredible resources, but perhaps the most significant aspect of a MOPS group is the community that is formed and cultivated among the moms. All are invited. All are welcome at the table. All are encouraged to be honest about their challenges and receive love, understanding, and trustworthy support.
These assets are undeniable change-agents in the life of a woman. And, as Mandy Arioto, the CEO of MOPS International, recently shared: “When moms are resourced, they elevate everyone around them.”
If you want to impact your church community, your local community, and the entire area where you live, start resourcing moms. You will see things change. MOPS can help.
To start a MOPS community at your church, visit us HERE.