Printable Christmas Gift Tags

Kimber Matherne

Last weekend the Christmas decorations went up at our house. This week we have Christmas shopping on the agenda. That means that gift wrapping comes next. I don’t know who is really more excited about filling that tree up with gifts… me or my 3 year old! Either way, our presents will be styling this year with these gift tags I whipped up just for you! A perfect little compliment to add to your gift. I put together 8 Christmas themed tags you can download below! Enjoy!

Download 8 your here!

Kimber is the creative mama behind The Pinning Mama, a blog dedicated to finding and creating the best for your home and family! She has a 3 year old, a one year old and a wonderful husband that she is constantly creating for. Make sure to follow The Pinning Mama on Facebook and Pinterest to keep up with all of the fabulous FREE printables, family friendly recipes, crafts and giveaways going on.