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We are seeking a wide variety of content, especially distinct forms, for the upcoming issue of our magazine. We highly value unique perspectives or novel thought processes with a diversity of voices and experiences as well as variations in content lengths. These types of pieces will have a better chance of being published. Please visit our Writer’s Guidelines at and submit to:
Deadline: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2020
Arise as a mother. This is your year to get strong physically and mentally. To own the body you’ve been given and build muscle and stamina so you can do all the things that God is calling you to do; important things like chase your kids around the backyard, carry groceries for your elderly neighbor, or even build a mud house for a family in Rwanda. To embrace your own body’s abilities and build it up – whatever your physical ability may be. It also means being strong mentally. Sometimes our thought life needs a little tightening up. It might mean seeing a therapist who can give you tools for dealing with anxiety, or maybe developing mental stamina so you can endure the daily toddler meltdowns. Often we wait for all the right details to come into place before we act, but maybe this is the year God is saying, “Stop waiting and get to it.” Body and mind – this is the year we embrace the self that God gave us.
We are looking for distinct content and forms for this issue:
- What is a take on “be strong” that explores the many nuances of strength?
- How could you explore the idea of strength through fiction or poetry or watercolor?
- Can you make us laugh with a witty story about being strong?
- Do you have a drawing or photograph that tells a story of strength?
- Essay or narrative piece (word count: 600-800)
- Satire/humor piece (word count: 400-800)
- Opinion piece (word count: 400-800)
- Poetry or fiction shorts (word count: 300-800)
- Original art — watercolor, graphic design, hand lettering, cartoon, photography, etc. (finalized art CMYK 8.75×11.25 300dpi, art concepts or works in progress can be submitted in any format)